Friday, February 27, 2009

Moments in Life

There are moments in life

when you miss someone

so much that you just

want to pick them from

your dreams and

hug them for real!

When the door of happiness closes,

another opens;

but often times we look

so long at the closed door

that we don't see the one,

which has been opened for us.

Don't go for looks;

they can deceive.

Don't go for wealth;

even that fades away.

Go for someone

who makes you smile,

because it takes only a smile

to make a dark day seem bright

but to find the one

that makes your heart smile.

Dream what you want to dream;

go where you want to go;

be what you want to be,

because you have only one life

and one chance to do

all the things you want to do.

May you have enough happiness

to make you sweet,

enough trials to make you strong,

enough sorrow to keep you human

and enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily

have the best of everything;

they just make

the most of everything

that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always be

based on a forgotten past;

you can't go forward in life

until you let go of your past failures

and heartaches.

When you were born,

you were crying and

everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so at the end,

you're the one who is smiling

and everyone around you

is crying.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Tatkala aku di perpustakaan, aku menjenguk ke luar jendela, aku terpana seketika melihat keindahan ciptaan Allah yang maha agung. Dalam hati terdetik,
Ya Allah,
Bertapa agungnya ciptaan mu,
Air yang mengalir di bumi, dapat membentuk awan yang secantik ini.
Bertapa besarnya kekuasaanmu, kebijaksaanmu..
Membuat aku menginsafi bertapa kerdilnya aku ini..
Namun kenapa terkadang kita terlupa..
Ya Allah, tetapkanlah hati-hati kami,
matikan lah kami dalam agamamu,
hidupkan lah aku disamping
orang-orang yang mentaatimu..
dan mencintaimu..
Ya Allah..

Me and Nelson

Last time eat at Nelson ma.. Here the pic

mee sup...umm

and orange..nyum..nyum

Last time, I cooked

Here is the dish....hehe
The cane

chillies and onions again

chillies and onions


Barangsiapa yang membaca YASSIN sepenuhnya dan pada ayat ke 58 surah tersebut SALAMUUN QAULAN MIN RABBIN RAHIM " diulang sebanyak 7 kali untuk 7 niat baik mu, Insyallah dengan izin yang maha esa dan maha kuasa, semua hajatmu akan dikabulkan. Jika boleh niatkan sebegini:

Ampunkan dosa-dosaku ibuku, ayahku, dan saudara-maraku dan saudara sesama Islam(maktok, kakak, maktih, wani, along, pakcik2ku, makcik2ku, sepupuku, jiran2ku.....)
Kurniakan aku suami,anak-anak yang soleh dan mencintai Islam.

Kurniakan aku rezeki yang berkat,kerja yang baik dan berjaya didunia dan akhirat.

Makbulkan hajat muslimin dan muslimat yang taat padamu ya Allah.

Jauhkan aku dari sifat khianat dan munafiq dan miskin.

Kurniakan aku dan seluruh umat muhammad yang beriman kesihatan zahir batin.

Makbulkanlah semua hajatku, dan redhaikanlah aku.....


Source: Email seorang teman

Discussion Research

Tonite, I supposed to have discussion with my groupmates, but then only I and Hunny are here, the other not here.

So I start to write my other friends blog..At the same time search the sources for my assignments..

There a lot assignment that we have to submit..Here is the assignment:

Research Methodology
- 2 group assignments (1 will present next week)
- 1 individual assignment

Data Mining
- 2 individual assignments(submit next week)

- 1 group assignment
- 1 project-part 1(submit next week)

- 1 group project
Hopefully ALLAH give me strength to do that..InsyaAllah

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Keep it up...Don't give up

Hunny my fren..

Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.

Stephen R. Covey

Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments.

Henry Ward Beecher

My Board

This board is placed near my bed...there are pic of my maktok, achik it, tubis, baby twinkle.

Love with you

by Lilali

With every word u say
by everything you do
I wonder why each day
I fall more in love with you

Ur very far from perfect
worst guy Ive ever met
but there's something about you
that don't let me get away

Ever since we met
I knew how things would be
but I got lost in
Ur game and forgot about me

You became all i needed
I was to blind to see
the real you, you never showed
or that I never thought you'd be

I cant choose who to love
but because I love you,
I will never let go
unless you want me to..

Dialogue before she fly..

Kakak..Love u

pesawat sedia untuk berlepas...

Pesawat keluar dari parking..

sebelum penerbangan..

My lovely sis..she's my twin sister actually but we are very different...ya..very anything..But still we can't be seperated..We need each other..without her my life so empty..Even she only older than me about 45 minutes..still she got the authority..Even you are somebody when u come home..she still the power..I still remember when I go back home last time..I was so excited to chat...but than she still can ask me take this..that..and that...again..and again.And I'm very obey just like been hypnosis by her..heeheheh..

But the is the power of sister..Sis i love u so much...Actually she is the only and the best sis that I ever had...Only she can understand my feeling very well without I'm saying anything..
And she is the best person that can consult me very well..Right now she working far away...Always make me sad when thinking of her.
Just wishing one day she can transfer back to our hometown..

So Sad

Kekasih Hati

Ya Allah,
kirimkanlah aku, kekasih yang baik hati,
yang mencintai aku, apa adanya.....
yang pabila ku rasa bahagia ketika kau tiba,
kau lenyapkan rawan,

tak usah dikau pergi,
tak ingin lagi,
meruntun hiba dengan sesalan ini ku akui....
mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku,
walaupun mungkin,
aku tak bisa memiliki dirimu seumur hidupku.....

Source: kene cr blek

Quotes for the day

*Orang yang banyak bicaranya janganlah kamu harapkan sangat kesedaran hatinya.
*Orang yang banyak makan janganlah kamu harapkan sangat kata-kata hikmat darinya.
*Orang yang banyak bergaul dengan manusia janganlah kamu harapkan sangat kemanisan ibadahnya.
*Orang yang cinta kepada dunia janganlah kamu harapkan sangat khusnul khatimahnya.
*Orang yang bodoh janganlah kamu harapkan sangat akan hidup hatinya.

Sunday Class

I'm in the class data mining right now...I see Hilal here..His is my fren..Very good man..Already married..He is here to meet Dr Fazilah..I think he want to take Prof as his supervisor..Today classes so far so good but not when in the research class.

I was late..The class is at 12 pm but i arrives at 12.15 pm...with a slipper..Thank god becoz I have another shoes inside my car..Then when I am in front of class...suddenly i felt afraid..coz im late..Dr. Shuhada very straight about that..but than after i opened the door..

Then I was shocked because it was other lecturer..I think the lecturer realized about that and asked me to come in..He is actually out guest lecturer..He came to give a lecture about how to do conceptual model before doing the research.The class finished at 1..Thanks..heheh..coz alot of thing not done yet.

I with my classmates went to mall for lunch..And there was a competition for indie band..under one of university club..

So the lunch was free....hehehe..

when it free..u know la...


amik ja la..

sambil makan...


Saturday, February 21, 2009


Aku wanita punya hati nurani
Yang tak dapat dibohongi
Pabila cinta telah membutakan mata
Dan membuat tuli telinga
Apakah salah jika aku menyinta
Apakah salah jika engkau ternyata
Pilihan hati belahan jiwaku ini
Cintaku ini anugerah terindah
Dari yang Maha Kuasa
Cintaku padamu tak pernah berubah
Meskipun kita berbeza
Aku wanita aku kaum hawa
Yang memang rapuh hatinya
Aku wanita aku punya cinta
Selayaknya manusiaha a a...
Satu yang ku mahu Ku wanita...
Yang hanya perlu kau fahami
Wanita... Ku wanita

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My god..the door locked

You know, yesterday was the most disaster day..For your information, started last week, I and my roomates, lily started the aerobic class. We have to attend every Monday and Wednesday..And the other day we went to gym...Yesterday was Tuesday..

So we went to gym..We workout for a day..Then we decided to go back to our college..But on the way to go back, my roomate decided to go to mall..She wanted to cook...So we shared money to cook tomyam..

After finished buying, we went back to our college..Then, I tried to open the door..Suddenly the door was locked.. You know much I disappointed..I was really tired at that time..

We went to the tnb office but the office already closed..So we decided to open the door using rock..I tried very hard, (becoz that thing supposed to do by some man)until there was a hole in the door...Suddenly the door can open..

Even though, it was very hard but I can do it... After that, we were able to enter the room..I wanted to cook but at last my roomate cooked the tomyam...I was tired at that time because tried so hard to open the door..hehehe..Thank for my roomate that so pity on me. Then we waited the vege tomyam(coz not afford to buy chicken and meat...hehehe)till nite...Then after prayer, I studied data mining for a short time before suddenly..I felt asleep..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hye...Start Writing

Dis is my first day I start writing on a blog...Dis is all about the journey about me as stud, daug and a human in dis beautiful world and a good muslim...How to describe myself..Maybe the picture above describe myself as libra girl...But yeah...very hard to forgive someone that I angry wif....But it doesn't mean for all...but only for certain person that really make me hurt, I guest...or really hurt...

According to email fro my fren..describes me as..

"Anda dilahirkan untuk menikmati hidup ini. Anda tidak pedulikan apa-apa perkara dan hanya ingin berseronok dalam hidup anda saja. Anda sangat pandai dalam pelajaran dan pengurusan perniagaan. Anda seorang genius, baik hati(tapi hanya orang yang beranggapan anda orang baik), mempunyai paras rupayang cantik atau kacak. Semua benda yang baik akan datang pada anda. Anda mengambil berat ke atas ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawan anda. Pada pandanganmereka, anda adalah seorang yang murah hati, peramah, adil saksama dan mempunyai penilaian yang tajam. Pasangan ideal anda adalah no.1, 3, 9"

According to research by Dr. Fadhillah Kamsah

* Suka berbual.
* Suka orang yang sayang padanya.
* Suka ambil jln tengah.
* Sangat menawan & sopan santun.
* Kecantikan luar & dalam.
* Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura.
* Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan.
* Sentiasa berkawan.
* Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama.
* Cepat marah.
* Macam pentingkan diri sendiri.
* Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta.
* Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri.
* Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain.
* Emosi yang mudah terusik.
* Suka berangan & pandai bercakap.
* Emosi yang kelam kabut.
* Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan).
* Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni.
* Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut.
* Romantik dalam percintaan.
* Mudah terusik hati & cemburu.
* Ambil berat tentang orang lain.
* Suka kegiatan luar.
* orang yang adil.
* Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran.
* Mudah patah semangat


You Are Carefree and Passionate

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel.

You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you.

You're very intense.You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble.

But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are truly an original person.

You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

You're a strong person.

You are confident, self assured, and capable.

You are not easily intimidated.You master any and all skills easily.

You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it.

Anyway..Its only a part of me..;)


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